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  • Josh and S.A.M

    Josh and S.A.M

    “You’re in my damn room”, it was the only scene, the only moment, that I remembered from this movie. I guess there are just some things that can become tragically indelible to a ten year old because, although my memory had it errantly transcribed as “you’re in my god damn room”, I have been revisited…

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  • The Wizard

    The Wizard

    This is an unbelievably fascinating cultural artifact, and the veins of discussion are so numerous that it is difficult to know where to start.  On the most basic and apparent level, this movie is a ninety minute Nintendo commercial, and I don’t say that to be dismissive as even this element has layers that demand…

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  • The Rundown

    The Rundown

    There is no shortage of content here as the filmmakers have given their best effort to fit a one last mission, an odd couple, a treasure hunt, and a jungle rebellion into a runtime hardly a breath over 100 minutes, and, with varying degrees of success, seems to find just enough room. What’s more, is…

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  • I, Robot

    I, Robot

    I have to admit that I’m nowhere near as familiar with the work of Isaac Asimov as I should be; Foundation is the only novel of his that I have read, so I have no idea what resemblance, if any, this movie bears to the book that inspired it. However, as I try not to…

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  • Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    I remember being pleasantly surprised the first time I saw this movie in the theater, and I’m glad to say that the experience holds here. I had been a fan of both the original 1968 film and the novel before Tim Burton’s perhaps overly maligned attempted reboot in 2001, so my expectations were measured going…

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  • The Flash

    The Flash

    It took me more than a little while to work up the courage to tackle this one. My excitement for it has been considerably dulled by a rash of rather disappointing comic book movies, and it’s unfortunate that a movie should suffer for the sins of its siblings, but that seems to be the nature…

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  • The Big Boss

    The Big Boss

    It is supremely difficult to discuss this movie in any meaningful way and divorce it from my childhood association with both it and its genre. We had a vhs boxed set which included this film which was  a permanent fixture in the pine box that sat in front of our couch and housed our eclectic…

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  • A Lot Like Christmas

    A Lot Like Christmas

    I guess this is just the sort of day today is proving to be, and I won’t lie, like Terri Hatcher before her, Maggie Lawson’s name was in no small way a magnetic draw (some criteria must be used when trying to select among such a prolific genre, and getting to see a Psych alumni…

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  • How to Fall in Love by Christmas

    How to Fall in Love by Christmas

    Putting aside the cringe-inducing name change that Roku foisted on the film in a characteristically soulless fashion, (by Christmas transformed to by the Holidays) this is in every way a cute little Christmas movie. Everything about this type of film is determined by the attitude from which it is approached. It is easy to see…

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